
3 July 2013

Jaguar Land Rover has been named 2013 Responsible Business of the Year, by the leading Corporate Responsibility Index, Business in the Community (BiTC). This accolade recognises JLR’s significant investment in all areas of the business, in particular in UK jobs and facilities. The company’s environmental performance and commitment to education and skills training for young people and current employees were also identified as key areas for recognition.

BiTC Chief Executive Stephen Howard praised the company’s approach, stating Jaguar Land Rover “perfectly embodies the mutuality of responsible business – an understanding that by transforming business you can transform communities.” 

The prestigious award takes into account a number of specific achievements by Jaguar Land Rover over the last 12 months, including being the UK’s largest investor in automotive research and development, as well as engineering ‑ providing £2.75 billion worth of support over 2013/14. This year, the business is also spending £10 billion with over 2,500 suppliers, with 60% of the money being spent on materials going to other UK companies. 

Other notable achievements include:

  • Creation of 9,000 jobs since 2011 – including new opportunities for 600 graduates and 189 apprentices across 2011/12.
  • New manufacturing operations which have delivered reductions in energy consumption per car by 21%, a 37% cut in waste and a 10% reduction in water usage.
  • Investment in renewable technology including £4 million worth of support for solar energy, saving 540 tonnes of CO2 per year. In all, the company has offset no less than five million tonnes of CO2 – and improved 1.2 million lives – over the last five years.

Marc Bolland, Chief Executive of 2012 winners Marks & Spencer described Jaguar Land Rover as a “key driver in educating and influencing the client base and wider consumers on behavioural change.”

The 2013 award is a huge milestone for Jaguar Land Rover, resulting from a culmination of effort spanning all areas of the business. Progress as a responsible business has been praised by the group over the last five years with Jaguar Land Rover receiving a Platinum Corporate Social Responsibility rating in 2012.

In response to receiving the award, Jaguar Land Rover CEO Dr Ralf Speth said the award “recognises the achievements of our employees, suppliers, stakeholders and academic partnerships to deliver sustainability improvements across our business.”